
 Coming from Canada and it's vast wilderness I am always amazed by the human touch in the landscape around here. There is definitely a wildness to the thorny bushes and plants of the garrigue, a strength and will to survive the months sometimes years of drought. There is a diverse eco system of plants, insects and animals. The greens and grays and deep oranges go on as far as the eye can see but when your up close you can't go far with out the deep rooted proof of human history on this land. One of my favorites are the little 'capitells' dotted around the country side. They are little buildings built entirely of stone by the vine workers along time ago. A time when one walked to their vines to work all day and didn't have the luxury of nipping back home in the car. Farmers used them to store their tools and enjoy their lunch out of the elements weather it be rain wind or sun.
I think they are a perfect beginning of a fairy tale.   

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